
To begin weaving click on the loom and choose four conceptual threads
Click on the concepts to view the related photographic haiku


We are seeing that an economy based on the exploitation of natural resources is like extracting the bones and blood of human beings or looting the scalp, which is irreplaceable.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

We are well aware the Mother Earth is another living being like us.

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

By using a variety of native plants to build, clean and retain the soil we have seen that ecological restoration can be accomplished in as little as 10 years.

- Dr. Percy Nunez, Andean biologist

We used to have 400 different species of trees in the valley of Cusco, many parts of the Andes were evergreen, but now we only have a few dozen tree species left.

- Dr. Percy Nunez, Andean biologist

From the moment I took my first steps in life, I realized I had to pass on the culture of my ancestors. I have tried to evoke the concept of respecting all biodiversity which is so paramount in the high Andes.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

We have been teaching at schools with biologists, teaching children how to take care of the lakes, plants, and animals. We have little support so it is difficult, but the children are starting to teach their elders at home.

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

Young people go to Lima. Why this migration? They leave due to lack of opportunities. One of the reasons is the lack of water. Now we can’t have big farming areas and even cattle is greatly reduced.

-Ferrero Jimenez de la Rosa, President of Huamantanga

Humans think money is everything. We know this is not right. When the earth gives no more, and you can’t plant anything, are they going to eat their money?

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

Many people believe that development only comes from economic gain. This thinking causes irreversible damage because it is wrong, you cannot buy nature. Our consciousness has to evolve, it is on this type of development that humanity depends.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

Forests have been pillaged. The mountains are losing their perennial snow. In 20 years we will have conflicts over the water.

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

That’s why we are planting trees, to take care of the lakes, but we are too few doing this.

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

We need to work, we need to become conscious, we need to transmit the knowledge of our ancestors and all the people that are interested can help me with this purpose.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

I will tell you about my community. From 1960 to 1980, there was too much winter and plenty of water, then from1990 on we had a drought that lasted for 3 years. After that, the winters left and they never were the same again.

- Ferrero Jimenez de la Rosa, President of Huamantanga

If these problems don’t get sorted, this will soon be a ghost town.

- Ferrero Jimenez de la Rosa, President of Huamantanga

The ancient ones were the first astrologers and geologists, the first farmers and technicians, and they left us a whole irrigation system built with infiltration channels. There was a culture of tribute to water, that we have to recover.

- Speaker, canal revitalization ceremony

Then plastic technology and plastic culture came overnight. Nowadays, everything that we buy is in a plastic bag and the water is being poisoned with trash.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

At the Circuit of the Four Lakes we have done an environmental treatment, but this is like a small point on your body and we are talking about the earth.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

We do this work because we like to reward our Mother Earth because she feeds us and she nourishes all human beings. We are very few, but we do it with great heart.

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

500 years ago we Incans had a strong clash, a cultural clash. Our indigenous culture almost vanished completely. Since then we have been overshadowed by becoming more and more indifferent to nature.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

Traditional knowledge is, for example, the ceremony for mother earth. It’s a small compensation that is done twice a year.

- Sandra Delgado, community organizer

The indigenous cultures of the Americas, from Alaska to Patagonia, are cultures that respect their circular area, their biodiversity. It shows that we still have certain understanding of nature to this day. We are trying to protect and restore the land, the few of us who still identify with nature.

- Luis Delgado, community organizer

What we need to learn now is to coexist with nature. We now have extreme environmental pollution and global warming. This is a warning, and it has been foreseen that water is going to extinguish.

- Huamantanga community leader, canal revitalization ceremony

We are not going to believe this because we have the ability to conserve and store our water. Today we have to re-encounter the landscape and I think it is our task to teach young people to return to nature and water.

-Huamantanga community leader, canal revitalization ceremony

I congratulate you for the recovery of these canal systems and tribute ceremonies. That are very important not only for this community, but since these waters reach the sea, they bathe many lands down to the shore and provide many other villages with water.

- Speaker, canal revitalization ceremony

Water.2.5 Water is everything.2.5

Feel it running through your veins.1 For a brief second1 imagine thirst.2.5

The world is beginning to dry,1 it is time to act.1.5

Re • sil • ience

  • The power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity.
  • Ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.

Resilience is a new media documentary that weaves together community-based watershed restoration stories from the remote Peruvian Andes. The Resilience interface acts as a loom that creates a fabric out of a collection of short films (2 minutes or less).

This content is organized along different conceptual threads which can be woven together to create unique patterns in the story fabric. Each conceptual thread is tied to a photographic haiku. Haiku is a form of Zen poetry characterized by three lines, two contrasting ideas and a connecting point.

The Resilience haiku are written with cautionary and empowering statements made by activists in the high Andes. They are visualized with photographs taken in each community’s context and woven together with threads of archival images of glaciers and snow pack in the Peruvian Andes taken in the 1920’s.

The quotes and photographs come together to create a patterned fabric that invites contemplation of the topic and its relationship to ecological resilience.

This expanded documentary project explores humanity’s potential to be resilient amidst extreme drought conditions and unprecedented ecological change through the warp and weft of empowering stories of struggle and transformation.

Maria Ramos, Teacher

Ferro Jimenez de La Rosa, President of Huamantanga

Huamantanga community members

Huamantanga elders


Huamantanga District, Rio Chillon Watershed, Peru


11,129 ft


Severe drought in summer months


Restoring an ancient Incan canal system that re-directs water during the winter from ravines to more permeable soils, replenishing ground water.

Luis Delgado, Community organizer

Sandra Delgado, Community organizer

Dr. Percy Nuñez, Indigenous botanist, PhD


Acopia District, Four Circuit Lakes Watershed, Peru


12,188 ft


Water pollution, dry infertile soils


Restore native trees and plants & clean up large amounts of trash (6 tons)

1 million tree goal, 23,320 planted


We all belong to a watershed. A watershed is an area of land that drains rain water or snow into one location such as a stream, river, lake or wetland.

Far from being isolated bodies or conduits, freshwater ecosystems are tightly linked to eachother by the watersheds of which each is a part. What happens in one part of the watershed will impact the water quality, quantity, and people downstream.

Watersheds are the home to untold number of species and provide life-sustaining waters to all of humanity.


The Chillón River is a vital source of water for Lima, Peru. Lima is the second largest desertt city in the world with a population of 9.6 million and growing.

Its headwaters are located on the western slopes of La Viuda (The Widow) Mountain Range, in the Pucracocha, Aguascocha and Chuchón lagoons, at approximately 15,091 feet. These lagoons are glacier fed and are used to store water during the summer months. This water is then discharged between May and December, when the river’s flow is at its lowest level and much of the region experiences drought like conditions.

The watershed covers an area of 943 square miles. The lagoons and wetlands within this watershed are among the most diverse ecosystems in the desert with a high number of species found nowhere else in the world, and provide environmental services that are crucial for the quality of life of millions of people.

Of the three valleys that Lima is built on, the Chillón Valley holds the largest agricultural lands and the main crops grown here are corn, cotton, tomato, potatoes, grasses and fruits.


The Vilacanota River is one of the main sources of water for the Amazon River basin and it flows through the heart of the historical Incan Empire, past the famous site of Macchu Picchu.

Vilacanotas’ headwaters originates from Khunurana mountain in the La Raya mountain range, at approximately 17,782 ft. The river is fed by retreating glaciers and flows North-North west for 723 miles, turning into the Urubamaba River before joining the Tambo River to form the Ucayali River which then joins the mighty Amazon River.

Vilacanota is the source of water for hundreds of densely settled farming communities along its route and is considered sacred by the indigenous Quechua people of the high Andes.

The Vilacanota Valley (with the Sacred Valley of the Incas at its center) has been shown to be undergoing warming and increased rates of glacier retreat. As a result the potato farmers in the region are cultivating at higher and higher elevations and many plants and animals are slowly migrating upwards.

Filmmaker, Artist, Activist and Designer

Kelly Skye is a multimedia artist, filmmaker and ecologist. Her work explores expanded forms of documentary film and photography. Through these mediums she works to co-create visions of ecological resilience that are based on ideas of systems thinking and embedded interdependence. Her guiding intention is to support community-based efforts to restore and protect life-sustaining ecologies.


Joor Baruah, interactive documentary consultant

Steve Sunderland, web developer & design consultant


Sharon Daniel

Newton and Helen Harrison

Gustavo Vazguez

Karen Holl


Yachay Wasi



Luis Delgado

Sandra Delgado

Percy Nunez

Maria Ramos

Ferrero Jimenez de la Rosa


Cynthia Guardado

Carolina Castillo-Trelles

Additional Support:

Felicia Rice

Kristen Grace Erickson

Nick Baldwin

Supported by:

University of California Santa Cruz, Digital Arts & New Media program

University of California Institute for Research in the Arts

Archival footage and photos provided by:

Prelinger Archives

Stanford Archives


A special thank you to my loving mom Louria Batson and supportive stepfather John Batson.